Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Easy Shortbread Cookies

When I think of Christmas, I think of going to the Murphy's home on Christmas day and eating Kris' amazing shortbread cookies. They disappear very quickly so you have to get them quick! They are absolutely my favorite cookie ever! I asked Kris for her recipe and she was so kind to share it with me. You know how when someone bakes something for you it tastes better than when you make it yourself, well when I baked these cookies, I kept imagining Kris in her kitchen baking. When I took my first bite of the cookie, tears came to my eyes....yes! I got it! Kris' shortbread cookies! My dream come true!

2 sticks softened butter- Land O Lakes please.

Merry Christmas LOL butter!!

Cut butter and flour.

Make a ball with the dough. Roll it out.

Cut into bars.

Place on a cookie sheet with a spatula.

Bake until golden brown.

Shortbread… so easy!  2 sticks Land O Lakes salted butter ( the lady who gave me the recipe insisted)

                                   2 and ¼ cups flour

                                   6 tablespoons of white granular sugar

Let the butter soften in a bowl to room temp – not runny. Mix the dry ingredients with a fork and a knife.  Keep “cutting” and cutting until you have pea sized balls and then use your hands gently to form it together in a big mass.  Don’t play with it too much.

Flour your working surface and lay it out on top.  Roll it with a well floured rolling pin, or just flatten it with your hands to about ¾ inch high.

Cut into 1” x2”  pieces and lift them onto an ungreased cookie sheet with a spatula.

Prick with a fork three or four times

Bake in a 325 oven until they start to brown up ( it will happen faster on the bottom, but a little brown is better than undercooked)  watch them closely and use your nose!

Lift them off with a spatula and let them cool on a hard surface.
Yummy! Recipe from Kris Murphy's kitchen.This recipe has been linked up to these wonderful blogs!
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  1. I absolutely adore shortbread cookies! These look so delicious. I'm going to make a note of these and try them in a few weeks! Enjoy!

  2. Hmmm - I've been thinking (hard!) about shortbread cookies and do believe I"m gonna make these this afternoon. Thanks much for sharing...they look fabulous. I might dip one end in chocolate???

  3. Thanks, Nettie, for sharing your recipe on the Virtual Cookie Swap! The cookies sound delicious and I cannot wait to try them!

  4. Mmmm...Shortbread is one of my all-time favorite cookies!

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and talent on "A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday at Rook No. 17!

    Friends who link-up to tomorrow’s party will have a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Hodgson Mill, so please feel free to stop by and join in the fun & inspiration!

    Warmest wishes,

  5. Thank you @walking on sunshine! Hope you made them and loved them as much as I do!

  6. @the better baker, yes I was thinking I would do that, but they were all gone by the time I was going to melt chcolate! Hope you tried it and loved it! Nettie

  7. @denise, you are so welcome! Hope you enjoyed them! Nettie

  8. @jenn,

    Mine too! Thank you for hosting such a lovely party! I think I missed yourlink up party, I'll see you on the next one! Nettie


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