Saturday, November 19, 2011

Grand T's Shredded Chicken Tacos

This is my Mama's recipe for Shredded Chicken Tacos. My Mama adds onions which is yummy, but I used my last one last night. This is an easy recipe that everyone will love. Fresh ingredients add so many wonderful flavors. The ingredients for this recipe are chicken thighs, corn tortillas, Monterey jack cheese, cilantro and seasonings. I like using garlic powder, onion powder, paprika and lots of ground cumin.

Boil chicken thighs in a large pot of water add seasonings. Cook until thighs are tender and falling off the bone, about 1 hour.

Shred chicken with 2 forks, remove all skin and bones and return back to pot of herbs and chicken stock.

In a saute pan, add a tsp of olive oil, heat tortilla until brown, flip and heat other side.

Add a heaping tablespoon of chicken, shredded cheese and cilantro. I like Mrs. Renfro's green salsa.

It's a Mexican fiesta in your mouth!!!   This post is shared at these wonderful blogs:

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  1. looks so tasty!!First time here & hope to see you in my blog too...
    Midweek Fiesta @every Wednesday

  2. These look amaaaaziiinnnnggg.
    Like really. I want one right now.


    Thanks for the sweet comment on my pumpkins :)
    They were super easy to do!



  3. Oh my this looks so yummy!! I am going to have to make this for my hubby!!! I am your newest follower.. If you would like to check out my blog to that would be so great, and follow me back and facebook too. I will be doing free giveaways here shortly on clothing and mineral makeup :)


  4. Thank you Amy! I am coming over to your blog! Nettie

  5. Thank you @Lilmoomoo! So happy to see you, thank you for the follow! Nettie

  6. Dear Brooke,

    I hope your hubby likes the tacos, I am coming over to your blog! Nettie


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