Friday, October 19, 2012


 I have been baking sweet potato pies. We had a lovely Pie Festival here in our little town in Maine. I won the MOST BEAUTIFUL PIE CONTEST with my Raspberry Peach Pie Crumble last year and I was asked to donate a pie for the auction this year. My pie was sold at auction for $35.00, can you believe it?? I was shocked! I hope the buyer really enjoys their sweet potato pie a LOT!! Since I keep using up the sweet potatoes for baking and cooking, I am a bit behind in posting JOY THE BAKER'S Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Cookie post. This is a delicious cookie, I think it is more like a muffin cookie, a flatter muffin. I really like the combination of chocolate and sweet potato for a cookie, it's really quite brilliant. If you would like the RECIPE, CLICK HERE.
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