Saturday, June 2, 2012

First Giveaway Slow Cooker From Moore or Less Cooking and SlimKicker

I am so excited to announce that I having my First Giveaway! I have joined up with SlimKicker (a healthy living/fitness app). SlimKicker is an app that is helpful in motivating healthy lifestyles using a game of rewards, points and challenges. Along with this helpful way of achieving goals, there is also a calorie counter for tracking calories:

It's very simple, just leave a comment below suggesting a fun, creative fitness or diet challenge in 1-2 sentences.and SlimKicker will pick their favorite challenge idea, use it on their site, and give the winner a slow cooker!

I love my Slow Cooker! Here is a simple and delicious recipe for all of you slow cooker fans that my gal pal Shirley shared with me. She has made it many times for parties and for home and it is always a big Hit!!

Shirley's Slow Cooker Chicken

4 chicken breasts (but you can use leg and thigh if you want)
I placed them into the cooker.  I mixed in a Pyrex 2 cup size,
1 cup low sodium chicken broth, and one pkg of Taco seasoning. (I found the Kroeger brand better than another I used)
I also, added 1 tsp. of the Better Than Bouillon paste in a jar. It gave the dish a richer sauce.
I put it onto slow cooking for 4 hours, and the first time I needed some more time and added the high for a short time.
I separate the fat from the sauce in a separator, but if you leave it overnight the fat rises to the top. (I leave the skin on)
Serve with rice or potatoes.

Easy, breezy.
Thank you Shirley for sharing this delicious recipe with MOORE OR LESS COOKING! Nettie

This giveaway is limited to the residents of the U.S.A.

Contest ends June 9, 2012

Just leave a comment below suggesting a fun, creative fitness or diet challenge in 1-2 sentences and SlimKicker will pick their favorite challenge idea, use it on their site, and give the winner a slow cooker! 

For extra entries:

Please follow Moore or Less Cooking on Facebook. Leave a separate comment that you did!

Please follow Moore or Less Cooking on Twitter. Leave a separate comment that you did!

Please Follow Moore or Less Cooking on Pinterest. Leave a separate comment that you did!

Share this giveaway with your friends on Facebook. Leave a separate comment  that you did!


  1. What a great idea! I love it! Big fan of slow-cooker foods.

    So, here's my idea for a fun and creative fitness challenge:

    1) Pick something active that you like to do.
    2) For every 30 minutes you do of that activity, put $1 in a jar.
    3) At the end of the month, reward yourself with something like a pedicure, a new pair of walking shoes, hand-weights, or new clothes (for the slimmer YOU).

    Even more fun to do with a friend!


  2. Don't deprive yourself by being on a "diet". Take your favorite foods/ recipes & convert them to a healthier version- PLAY with your food!
    Eating health is a lifestyle & habit change. The happier & more satisfied you are with your new way of cooking, the more likely you are to stick with it.

  3. Don't look at it as a diet. You need to just change the amount of food you eat and move more. Keep enjoying the food you love, but eat 1/2 as much and add a big salad to your meals.

    Set a goal for when you reach your desired weight to help you keep motivated.

    Here's what I did, once I reached my goal I now allow myself to get a manicure twice a month. I love my nails and have promised myself that if I start to gain the weight back, no more manicures.

  4. Walk you dog everyday! It's good for the both of you!
    I have to tone up my thighs, so I'm gonna try doing squats (which I hate!) Every morning when I get up, in the afternoon and at night when I finally get to park my butt and veg! Im going to commit to 10 at a time so I don't give up, thirty at day to start.....wish me luck!

  5. I follow miss Nettie on fb!

  6. If you don't have time to fit in a 30 minute or hour-long workout, take a few small 10 minute "exercise breaks" during the day (one in the morning, one mid-day, one in the evening) and go for a walk or do a few simple exercises (like jumping jacks, situps, crunches) and/or yoga poses. You'll feel more energized and awake and burn more calories. If you can fit in a longer exercise routine as well, even better!

    Also drink at least 2 liters of water and/or herbal tea per day. Keep a glass at your side at all times. Add your favorite herbs and/or fruit to the water to up the vitamins and taste of the water.

  7. Congrats on such an honor for the giveaway... hope you get lots of hits from it. Me, I am a walker. I listen to books on tape, so need to find those interesting books. Love the library (price is right.... FREE)

  8. A good challenge would be to do a squat everytime you pass any type of door.. you might get weird looks but you'll get stronger legs after a week!

  9. Pick one day a week to go to the farmer's market, and make that day a low calorie nutrient rich all vegetable day. Use the fresh bounty acquired from the market to make vegetable stews, salads, and yogurt smoothies with fresh fruits. I am already paying a slightly high price for buying the freshest produce, so why not take advantage of it by cooking and eating the produce that day.

  10. Act like a kid! Ride a bicycle; pick up disc golf; challenge your friends and family to a game of HORSE.

  11. Thank you for all of your wonderful responses! The winner is: Caroline! Please email me your address and your Slow cooker will be mailed to you! Nettie


Thank you for stopping by Moore Or Less Cooking! Feel free to post a comment! Thank you, Nettie!