Monday, May 7, 2012

Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich

We eat a LOT of Grilled Cheese Sandwiches in our home.  We love Grilled Cheese sandwiches so much, that my best friend bought us a Panini maker, oh what a world it is! So when I saw that Mom's Crazy Cooking was having a Grilled Cheese Cooking Challenge, the recipe combinations started going through my head. I typed in Grilled Cheese on Pinterest and it was a Grilled Cheese Extravaganza.........yes, I had made it to Grilled Cheese Heaven and I wasn't going back. There I found the recipe that had me drooling, Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich from Two Peas and Their Pod. ( For this cooking challenge, one must use a recipe from another blog in that exact recipe) Perfect! It is Cinco De Mayo, I am making this a traditional Cinco de Mayo Grilled Cheese!
Mash up two avocados, set aside.
Add chopped red onion, garlic, tomatoes to the mashed avocados.
Add chopped Cilantro. Squeeze lemon juice over guacamole, add salt and pepper to taste, mix well.
Use Crusty White Bread for sandwiches.
Butter outer side of bread, place tablespoon of guacamole on bread, top with sliced cheddar cheese, grill both sides of bread until golden brown.
This was the best Grilled Cheese that I have ever had.Perfect sandwich for Cinco de Mayo or just for a Saturday meal! Scroll down and click #82 if you love this recipe!

Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Yield: 2 sandwiches
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5-7 minutes
The guacamole takes this grilled cheese sandwich to a whole new level of goodness.


To make the guacamole:
2 ripe avocados
1/2 small onion, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 small jalapeño, stems and seeds removed, minced ( I didn't have this on hand, but I would make it with a jalapeno next time)
2 tablespoons cilantro leaves, finely chopped
1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice ( I used fresh lemon juice)
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
A dash of freshly grated black pepper
1 Roma tomato, chopped

4 slices crusty white bread
4 slices Cheddar cheese ( I used Sharp White Cheddar)
Butter, for buttering bread


1. To make the guacamole-cut avocados in half. Remove seed. Scoop out avocado from the peel, put in a large bowl. Using a fork, mash the avocado. Add the onion, garlic, jalapeño, cilantro, lime juice, salt and pepper. Stir until well combined. Add the chopped tomato and stir.
2. Heat a pan or griddle to medium-high heat. Spread desired amount of guacamole on both slices of bread then top with cheese. Butter outer slices of bread and grill on one side for about 2 minutes or until golden and crispy. Flip the sandwich and grill until golden brown. Make the other sandwich the same way and serve warm. Vote for #82 if you love this recipe! Recipe from Two Peas and Their Pod. Go check out the other delicious grilled cheeses, they all look amazing! This post has been linked up to these fabulous blogs! Photobucket

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  1. Nettie, oh my! I'm craving your guacamole grilled cheese like crazy right now!!!

  2. Thank you @jenn "Rook No.17" so happy you like it! Nettie

  3. I made & posted about Guacamole Grilled Cheese just last month ... it's surprisingly & amazingly delicious, isn't it??? Great choice for The Challenge!
    Tracey @ The Kitchen is My Playground CCC #48

  4. Nettie!!!!!! So glad to see you've joined the CCC! What a great choice for this month's challenge. I love Guacamole!

  5. That looks too delicious.My stomach is growling!

  6. @Tracey @The Kitchen is My Playground, it is my new favorite! Thank you for stopping by! Nettie

  7. Thank you Joan @chocolate and More Chocolate, what a fun topic! Love it! Nettie

  8. Thank you @kamikinard, try it you'll love it! Nettie

  9. I adore Maria, I remember her posting this recipe and thinking that I must bookmark it!

    You chose brilliantly for this challenge!

    I love how this challenge highlights fabulous bloggers, and their delicious recipes with all the link love created by us linking back to the original blogs and recipes as well as the links created in the linky. SO much fun!

  10. Thank you Rachel, love their blog! Thank you for stopping by! Nettie

  11. What a great combination for a Grilled Cheese, it looks delicious!

  12. Hi Nettie, first time here, I come from CCC#80, Thanks for sharing this lovely recipe, what a wonderful one, I have Book marked it.., lovely step-wise clicks too..

  13. Thank you for stopping by Miz Helen, so happy you like my sandwich! nettie

  14. Thank you @walking on sunshine! Great to see you! Nettie

  15. Thank you Jayrasi, love your Muffalato Sandwich too! So happy to see you at the CCC! Nettie

  16. My husband would LOVE this, maybe a good Father's day lunch! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  17. Thank you Julie for the invitation! I am coming over! Nettie

  18. Dear Michelle,

    Thank you for following me! Perfect for Father's Day. It's my newest favorite Grilled Cheese. I am coming over to visit your site! Nettie

  19. I love this sandwich and wish I had it right now! Thank you for sharing on thursday's treasures week 34 sweetie. See you again next week. <3 and hugs! open all week

  20. Nettie, Mark & I are reading this together and both of us are going "ooooh,,,,ahhh, we need to make this tomorrow!!!!" Ymmmmmmmmmmm

  21. Thank you Julie, I will come back! Nettie

  22. Debi, so great that you like it, as always I love linking up to Thursday's Treasures, so many wonderful recipes, I am always drooling! Nettie

  23. Hi Lisa! Thank you so much, always love seeing you and Mark! Your wedding blog had me all misty eyed, you are so adorably so much in love! You always make my day! Nettie

  24. It took me time to read all the tips, but I clearly loved the post. It proved to be very helpful to me and I'm certain to all of the commenters here!

  25. OMG. This looks amazing. Two of my favorite things in one!

    I hope you can come and share this recipe on my blog hop:

  26. Thank you Julie! Two great combinations! I am coming over to your party! Nettie

  27. Thank you Anonymous! Knee Back Pain, I hope you are able to try my yummy sandwich! Let me know what you think! Nettie


Thank you for stopping by Moore Or Less Cooking! Feel free to post a comment! Thank you, Nettie!