Friday, April 20, 2012

Easy Deviled Eggs

Easter has come and gone with little time to make Deviled Eggs. So you can only imagine how thrilled I was to be the lucky recipient of My Blog Spark gift of 1 dozen carton of Extra Large Brown Farm Land O Lakes Organic Eggs Extra Large Brown Farm Land O Lakes Organic Eggs and 1 Classic Egg Tray. Deviled Eggs are very simple to make and there are so many ways to make them. I took a little poll on Facebook and most of my fans agreed on the Classic Style as their favorite. I have been eating Deviled Eggs ever since my Great Grandmother, Mattie Cook was making them for the holidays and other occasions, so I am a big fan. Hubs and I didn't take much time in devouring the little eggie concoctions, the kids didn't get to try them ( they were out with friends) great excuse to make more today!
Xtra Large Grade A Brown Farm Eggs- Coupon worth up to $5.99 for one dozen,  I need to raise chickens!
Place 6 eggs in a pot, cover with cold water.
This is the lovely Platter for year round use, fun for parties!
Ingredients: Eggs, Mayo, Dry Mustard, Salt and Pepper, Fresh or Dried Herbs, Paprika, seriously EASY!
One Deviled Egg coming Up!
Set heat at Medium High heat until water comes to a boil, turn down to low and let boil for 15 minutes, drain water and cover eggs with cold water. When eggs have cooled off, peel eggs. This one is perfect. Fresh eggs are the best!
Cut Egg in half, lengthwise
Scoop out yolks, place egg whites on your favorite tray.
Mash up egg yolks in a bowl with a fork.
Add 2 Tablespoons Mayo
Add 1/4 teaspoon dry Mustard, I just love this can, be careful not to dump it on your clothes and floor when opening like I did!
Add Salt and Pepper
Add Fresh or Dried Fine Herbs (Penzey's Spices are my favorite!)
Mash with a fork until smooth and well combined.
Spoon some of the filling into each hole until all are filled.
Fill it  up with a little mound of yummy egginess
Top with Fresh or Dried Herbs and Paprika
Bite size treat, try to eat just one, I dare you! Pure comfort food and great for a snack!

“Disclosure:  The gift pack, coupons, information, and additional gift pack have been provided by Land O’Lakes through MyBlogSpark.”
This recipe has been posted to these wonderful blogs!:Photobucket

weekend potluck
Country Momma Cooks
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  1. Yum, yum, yum! Why mess with perfection, right! Simple or not, this classic recipe is delicious. Now I'm craving deviled eggs. So glad you shared at Show & Tell.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  2. Sure can't beat classic deviled eggs - everybody loves 'em. They're usually the first plate to be emptied at any family gathering. Thanks so much for linking up to Weekend Potluck - please come again soon.

  3. These were the best deviled eggs! Thanks! Pops

  4. Thanks so much for linking up this delicious recipe @CountryMommaCooks....have a wonderful Sunday:)

  5. Love deviled eggs! It wasn't until I started blogging that I learned there were oodles of recipes for them! I thought everyone made them the same way I did...with pickle relish, mayo. ha! I look forward to trying your recipe! Thanks so much for sharing at the Rock N Share! Blessings

  6. Nettie, I love deviled eggs!! I am so glad that you shared this recipe on Fit and Fabulous Fridays!! Delish. :)

  7. Your recipes look so delicious! We loved having you link up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Hope you'll be back soon! -The Sisters


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