Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award
I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award three times!
Lisa @ Lisa'sDinnertimeDish, Nel from The Papercup Kitchen and Lauren Kelly, The Certified Nutritionist are the three wonderful and talented bloggers who so graciously nominated me!

The Rules of this Award Are:
  • Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
  •  Share 7 things about yourself
  •  Send it along to 15 other Bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!

Well shiver me timbers! What does shiver me timbers mean? Not sure, but I just felt like saying it! I am just so dang thrilled and excited for being given the Versatile Blogger Award! It's my lucky Day! Twice!

Seven things you may or may not want to know about me: 

1. I'm a California girl, born and raised. I'm a Valley Girl, Like To- Tal- LEE, Fer Sure, Like Ra-dical. I now live in one of the most beautiful places on earth- MAINE- talk to me in the winter!

2. I met my famous artist husband on top of a mountain watching a sunset.

3. I'm an only child who always wanted a big family. I got that wish! I have lots of kids and grand kids!!

4. I am a Yoga Teacher for children, a Massage Therapist and a Medical Assistant.

5. I have always wanted to write a cookbook. I have been cooking ever since I could reach the toaster and have never stopped and have always loved creating a new dish. I don't know why everybody isn't as excited about every meal as I am.

6. I love to dance, anyplace, anytime.It soothes my soul!

7. I have an ear for languages and I can mimic almost anyone.

15 Bloggers that I am nominating this award to because I think they are amazing :
Chef In Disguise

From Cupcakes To Caviar

Mother Thyme

Mia's Domain

Sunday At The Giacometti's

That Skinny Chick Can Bake

Baking Bad

Farmhouse Favorites

The Baker Chick

Debz Delicious Meals

The Domestic Preservation Farmgirls

 Serious Food For The Soul

Sugar Bean Bakers

Chocolate, Chocolate And More Chocolate

 Spades and Spoons

Congratulations and happy cooking from MOORE OR LESS COOKING! Nettie


  1. I feel that way about cooking also.. i often wonder what the heck is WRONG with my neighbors, 99 percent of them can't cook or hate cooking!

  2. I agree with the cooking statement so much! I really think there is something seriously WRONG with 99 percent of my neighbors, the either, can't cook, or hate cooking.. REALLY??

  3. Hi Kim,

    So happy I'm not the only one. I finally found THE FOODIE WORLD where I belong! Thanks for stopping by!!


  4. Congrats on your awards, your blog is fab! Thanks so much for stopping by and for following. I'm now following you, as well!

  5. Dear Marguerite,

    Thank you so much! It's great to see you and I am so happy you stopped by!


  6. I loved reading more about you Nettie!! You are amazing!!

  7. Thank you Lauren! The feeling is mutual! Nettie


Thank you for stopping by Moore Or Less Cooking! Feel free to post a comment! Thank you, Nettie!